10th, June 2019 | Donna
Contact Lens for Children’s Needs – A Quick Guide.

Decision-making becomes tougher when they involve others. Even more so if they are our dearly loved ones.
This is especially true if you are a parent or guardian who is trying to find out whether investing on contact lens for children’s specific needs is a good choice for your child, and also for your budget.
To help you decide, we’ve gathered information to create this quick guide about contact lenses for children. Read the rest of the article to know more.
Fast facts about contact lens for children’s needs.
Here are some facts about contact lenses that the Oh My Lens team have compiled for you. Read below to know what contact lenses can offer for you and your child.
1. In the US, the Food and Drug Administration is the agency that regulates the medical use of contact lenses and contact lens maintenance products.
For readers who resides in another country, it is best to know what government agency oversees and authorizes the distribution of contact lenses.
[Read: Understand your contact lens prescription.]
2. Contact lenses can be worn by children. In fact, research has shown that children who had cataract surgery and then opted for contact lenses afterward – had better results in recovery and underwent lesser surgeries later in life. In the US alone, at least 45 million people wear contact lenses, and that includes children.
3. In a study conducted by American Optometric Association (AOA), around 50% of optometrists in the US feel that children aged ten to twelve can wear soft contact lenses, compared to age groups eight to nine or younger.
[Read: Top Five contact lens myths debunked.]
4. Also in the same study mentioned above, the majority of optometrists in the US say that gender doesn’t influence them when they make decisions for children whether or not they should be fitted for contact lenses.
5. Our eyes can definitely handle contact lenses. At least four million American children and teenagers (below 18) have worn medical grade contact lenses.
6. According to an article from the National Center for Biotechnology Information of the US, children ages 8 to 12 have been deemed to be the best ages when soft contact lenses should be introduced.
The Pros and Cons of Contact Lens for Children
According to WebMD and yours truly, Oh My Lens, here are some of the benefits and setbacks of contact lenses for children.
The Pros:
Better vision. Medical-grade contact lenses helps the child see clearly. Unlike eye-glasses, contact lenses, especially rigid gas permeable lenses, allows the child to view her periphery better, as it does always with the usual glass rim..
[Read: How do corrective contact lenses and glasses work?]
Freer movement. Most athletic children will appreciate contact lenses, as it can greatly help them during contact sports, games or play times. The child who wears contacts can focus more on winning the game, more than having to worry on how he or she should protect the glasses they are wearing from shattering. This rings true to swimmers as well.
Boost in confidence and self-esteem. For children who find it difficult or embarrassing to wear glasses, then contact lenses can be the best choice for them. With medical advancements made each year, contact lenses have also improved. Youngsters can choose from a wide range of choices that cater to their special medical needs.
Works well with various eye conditions.
Another good thing about contact lenses is its convenience. Even if you have multiple eye complications, a well-fitted or custom made contact lenses can still deliver the desired assistance that you need.
Compared to a pair of glasses whose lenses get stacked on top of another for every single modification, contact lenses don’t get thicker and can give your comfort just as good (or maybe even better) than that of a pair of eyeglasses.
[Read: Five types of contact lenses that you should know.]
Easier maintenance in the long run. The adage is true. Anything can be learned over time. This is also true for children who opt to wear contact lenses. It may be confusing or tiring at first.
But as soon as the child gets the hang of cleaning, wearing, taking off, and cleaning again at the end of the day, it will soon be a habit a child can master. As a parent or a guardians, patience and guidance goes a long way too.
The Cons:
With positive effects come some setbacks too. The following are some disadvantages about using contact lenses.
Round the clock reminders from parents or guardians. Before the child can learn the habit of taking care of their own contact lenses, they may need the attention and constant reminders from parents.
In the early stages of owning contact lenses, the patience and understanding of the guardians or parents are very important, as the child adapts to this lifestyle.
Hygienic practices must always be carefully followed.
To protect the child and, as well as preserve the shelf life of the contact lenses, the parent must always be on guard whenever the child wears and takes-off the contact lenses.
For the parent, this can be time consuming and distracting.
However, after some time, when the child is mature enough to know how to handle contact lenses with clean and sanitized hands, the parent or can leave the child the task of preparing and taking care of the contact lenses.
Sleeping with your contacts? Now possible, but still, don’t let the child do it.
Along with overseeing the child when she or he practices on wearing and taking off the contact lenses, parents and guardians must always remind the child not to sleep with their contact lenses on. This constant reminder can be exhausting to parents or guardian, to be honest.
To address this problem, they can set up an alarm to remind the child of the necessary steps that they need to take so that they can properly take care of their contact lenses. This may take some time, depending on your specific circumstances at home. But in the long run, it is definitely worth it.
[Read: The risks of buying contact lenses without a prescription.]
Things to remember for parents whose children wear contact lenses.
If you think that wearing contact lenses are necessary for your kid, and if the kid himself is mature enough to understand the benefits and the hazards of using the contacts, then it’s time to consult a doctor.
[Read: Important tips about colored contact lenses for dry eyes.]
The doctor’s go signal and your child’s needs are the top most important thing you have to know.
Major takeaways: for guardians and the child.
For guardians or parents, the child’s safety and comfort is probably the top most priority. After all, isn’t that we all want – for our loved ones to see better, and to do so without the hassle?
We know that the idea of introducing of contact lenses might be a little daunting. But we guarantee you that it is worth the try.
With technology advances, most especially on the medical field, what was a rare solution year back can now be available everywhere.
As long as the contact lens is approved and fitted by the appropriate medical practitioner, contact lenses are definitely worth a try for children.
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