6th, May 2019 | Oh Jinna
Top 5 Contact Lens Myths Debunked

Similar to age-old folklore and modern-day urban legends, contact lens myths are finding their way into our everyday conversations. And, like legendary tales, these contact lens myths often have more fiction than facts.
Although amusing to most, this lack of truth can be misleading for some people, especially to those who are considering contact lenses as a solution for their vision problems.
The development in medicine has come a long way, and it would be a shame if people miss out on the benefits of contact lenses because of false information.
1. Your contact lens can get stuck behind your eyes
Knowing how contact lenses sit directly in your eyes, I’m sure you’ve heard or even pondered the possibility of losing it behind your eyes.
Do you really think that your lenses can slip off and get stuck behind your eyes when you blink or close your eyes?
Don’t worry, it’s one of the most common contact lens myths that sounds believable when you first think about it. But, to put it simply, this is just a myth.
So, it isn’t true and there’s no chance of losing your contact lenses behind your eyes.
Your eyelids have a thin lining called the conjunctiva. Your conjunctiva folds back behind your eyelids that covers your eyeball.
The conjunctiva takes up the space between your eyelids and eyeball, which leaves no room for anything to get past it.
So, it is impossible for your lenses to pass the conjunctiva and disappear behind your eyes.
Do you feel like something is bothering the inside of your eyes? Read this article and learn about common eye problems that we usually miss.
So, now that we’ve debunked this contact lens myths, let’s talk about some facts that are related to the myth. Although it’s impossible to lose your lenses behind your eyes, there are cases when your lense can get caught beneath your eyelids.
Similarly, there are also cases when contact lenses get stuck on your cornea. When either of these happens, just put some contact lens drops, close your eyes, and mildly rub your eyelids.
This will loosen up your contact lenses and you can simply take them off easily afterwards.
2. Your contact lenses can melt in your eyes
Let’s start this one off by saying “no”, your contact lenses won’t melt while your wearing them. In addition, they won’t even melt in a hot sunny day while your cooking some juicy pork ribs over a grill.
Why? Because, it takes a lot of heat to melt your contact lenses.
The amount of heat you need to melt your contact lenses in your eyes is so high that you’d have to burn or severely hurt yourself before you melt them.
So, go out there, grill some barbecues, and enjoy the bright sunny days of your life. But, if you really want to put yourself at ease, you can always wear some eyewear to protect eyes from any heat source.
If you’re still worried about ruining your eyes, read this article and learn about good habits to preserve your eyesight.
Or, just keep reading and learn more about other contact lens myths.
3. Your contact lenses are bad for reading
If you have presbyopia, you don’t really have to worry about reading with contact lenses.
Nowadays, contact lenses are so diverse that your eye physician can prescribe different types of contact lenses depending on your visual needs.
In fact, you might find reading with contact lenses to be more convenient than with eyeglasses.
Just remember to a trusted eye physician to get you the right type of reading contact lenses.
4. Your contact lenses won’t fit in your eyes
Unless you have eyes that twice smaller than contact lenses, which is very unlikely, contact lenses should fit just fine. Seriously, any type of contact lens will fit in your eyes.
Although, it might seem difficult at first and scary at first. You can’t be blamed, the thought of poking yourself with your fingers and putting things in your eyes are instinctively scary.
However, your eye physician will teach you how to put on your contact lenses before you step out of the clinic.
Just make sure that you get your eyes checked by a trusted doctor, ok?
In addition, your eye physician will also teach you the proper contact lens care to keep your eyes and lenses in tip top shape.
Similar to riding a bike, it’ll be hard at first, but after a dozen or so tries, you’ll be able to put on your contact lenses with your eyes closed.
With all puns aside, it’ll get easier the more you get used to putting them on.
5. Your contact lenses are out of your budget
No, you don’t really need thousands of dollars for contact lenses. In fact, contact lenses can even be cheaper and more convenient than eyeglasses.
Like purchasing any type of product, whether your buying a television or a car, the trick to getting a good deal is to simply research and learn about what you’re going to buy.
As for contact lenses, daily disposable contact lenses,which are on the pricier side of the contact lens spectrum, can be as cheap as one dollar per day.
Facts About Contact Lenses
Now that we’ve talked about the misconceptions and misleading rumors about contact lenses, it’s time we talk more about their facts and benefits.
Did you know that eye care physicians observe and recognize the benefits of contact lenses for their patient’s eye health, comfortability, and user satisfaction? As a matter of fact, a study by CooperVision Inc. Pleasanton,
CA shows that 93 percent of eye care physicians agree that silicone hydrogel lenses are very useful and satisfactory for the everyday lifestyle of patients.
In conclusion to the study, eye care physician’s see the long-term benefits that patient’s get from contact lenses, notibily eye health, wear comfortability, and product satisfaction.
A lot of people use contact lenses
It is estimated that approximately 45 million people in the United States use contact lenses, according to a study by Cope JR, Collier SA, MMWR, Morb Mortal Wkly Rep.
Furthermore, the development in medical technology and our modern lifestyle is increasing the popularity and use of contact lenses.
Think about it, these days it’s all about getting the sleekest updates for your looks and gadgets.
Furthermore, everyone just wants to maximize their efficiency in anything they do.
And let’s face it, bulky eyeglasses don’t really work and look as efficient as our modern-day contact lenses, do they?
Contact Lenses Can Make You Feel More Attractive
Ok, so how can a pair of transparent lenses make a people feel better about their appearance? There are two alternative answers to this question.
The first answer focuses more on decorative contact lenses, which are used mainly for fashion. People usually get these types of lenses when they want to change the color of their eyes.
In fact, you can read this article if you’re curious about getting new colors for your eyes.
The second reason why contact lenses can help you feel more attractive focuses more on the benefits of not wearing eyeglasses.
According to a study by The Ohio State University College of Optometry, children preferred to wear contact lenses than glasses because it helped them feel good about the way they looked.
In addition, contact lenses also made them participate more, which gave them more satisfaction.
Similarly, contact lenses are a great option for people who want to enjoy activities without worrying about how they look and participate while wearing eyeglasses.
Although, not everyone might prefer contact lenses, and some may even feel more attractive with eyeglasses.
So, do you think you prefer contact lenses or glasses? If you’re having doubts, read this article and find out which is better for you: Contact Lenses or Glasses: Which is Better for You?
Contact lenses are safe to use
As mentioned above, contact lenses are very beneficial and safe to use. However, contact lens owners should be responsible in taking care of their lenses.
An article by Cope JR, Collier SA, MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. shows that 85 percent of contact lens user practice habits that may lead to eye problems.
In conclusion, contact lenses are very safe to use, but not without proper care. Also, you should never buy contact lenses without a prescription.
Don’t worry though, because taking care of contact lenses isn’t as demanding as you’d think.
Don’t be afraid to get contact lenses
Knowing fact from fiction really helps with decision making. And differentiating facts from contact lens myths is a top priority.
With everything said, now that you know better, you shouldn’t be afraid to consider getting yourself some contact lenses.
Who knows, you might even like them better than your regular eyeglasses. However, you’ll never really know until you try.
But, if you still feel a little unsure about getting contact lenses, you can do a little more research and find out more awesome truths behind it.
And, if you have a specific thing you’re worrying about, you can always ask a trusted eye physician about this.
Surely, they can answer your questions and ease any of your doubts about this matter.
And I’m sure eye care professionals know a thing or to about debunk contact lens myths.
Eye care professionals’ perceptions of the benefits of daily disposable silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Risk Behaviors for Contact Lens — Related Eye Infections Among Adults and Adolescents — United States, 2016
Benefits of Contact Lens Wear for Children and Teens
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