5th, September 2019 | Oh Jinna
12 Subtle Signs Your Vision is Getting Worse

Your eyesight may be functioning well most of the times, but there are some signs of eye problems that you should not ignore.
In this article, we’ll discuss some of the subtle signs your vision is getting worse.
Hopefully, by the end of this article you’ll get to reflect on yourself and reevaluate your own eye health.
Here are some of the subtle signs your vision is getting worse:
Black spots in your vision
You might think that having some black spots in your vision is quite normal and harmless.
But black spots or blank spots in your vision may be a sign of a possible eye condition such as macular degeneration.
This condition is one of the most common causes of vision loss in adults. You shouldn’t keep these symptoms to yourself and should treat it early by consulting to your eye doctor as soon as possible.
The complications that may arise when you ignore these signs are definitely not something that you want getting out of control.
Eye discomfort when wearing contact lenses
If you wear your contacts, never ignore any pain, distress, or discomfort to avoid any further complications.
Not all discomforts while wearing contact lenses are a sign of something serious, but if you feel like your vision is worsening, it’s always safe to have your eyes checked.
When you start to feel extreme discomfort while wearing your contact lenses, it is better to make an appointment with your eye doctor.
Blurry vision
According to experts, a weak vision or an occasional blurred vision can be normal and temporary.
But blurry vision that takes time to go away on its own is a different thing.
It can be a sign of several eye problems such as glaucoma, retina problems, or AMD.
Being exposed to gadgets for a long time is an example of a strenuous activity that affects the eyes and can cause eye strain.
You should take frequent breaks about every 30 minutes to look into something and relieve the stress in your eyes.
Double vision and seeing distorted images
Another sign that your vision is weakening is double vision. When you start to see distorted images of objects or person in the center of your vision, this is the sign of worse eyesight.
This could be a sign of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or a deformation of cornea or worse a cataract or astigmatism.
Difficulty seeing at night
Night blindness is the inability to see well at night or in poor light. While most people experience this, extreme conditions can be a symptom of cataracts, or vitamin A deficiency.
When you have difficulty seeing well at night, it can be corrected through corrective lenses like eyeglasses or contact lenses.
Physical pain in the face and constant headache
Consistent headache and tingling in your face that worsens is a possible indication of underlying eye problems.
Using mobile phones, laptop, or television for a long time can trigger this and can further worsen eye problems.
We rarely experience a tingling in the face, this happens only when there is a disruption in the blood circulation to the face.
But when you feel this strange sensation in your face coupled with a sudden vision loss and headache, it indicates an issue.
Don’t wait for this condition to be fatal and go the your doctor right away for check up.
This might be a cause of other problems, to be sure it is best to consider the eye check up as soon as possible.
Constant eye floaters
Having constant eye floaters are signs your vision is getting worse. Floaters are the shadowy images of particles that float around fluid-like inside your eyes.
In most cases, having eye floaters are part of the eye’s aging process and they don’t necessarily harm the vision.
However, seeing these shadows in your peripheral vision more often than normal is a cause for concern.
This could be a bad indication of a problem with your retina, more likely retinal detachment.
This means you possibly have a tear in your retina, and it could detach. In cases like these, contact your eye doctor immediately for an assessment.
Light sensitivity
Problems with light sensitivity is often connected to eye issues like eye cataract.
When you are way too sensitive to light, it means looking at light places or objects, even indirectly, hurt your eyes.
Aside from that, it can also cause mild and severe headaches or migraines after exposure to light.
Light sensitivity comes along with a clouded or blurred vision. Because of this, you might want to check with your doctor for a new contact lenses prescription.
You will know that you are having extreme light sensitivity when even sitting near a window with sheer curtains hurt your eyes.
The best you can do at first is to stay away from bright places and objects, then take some time for an eye check up.
Constant eye irritation
Continuous itching or any other sort of discomfort in the eyes can be inferred to deteriorating eyesight.
One of the common signs of the worsening eyesight, irritation of the eyes can be because of several other reasons also but it is best to get professional advice when it comes to such a situation.
Unusual eye discharge
The only discharge that eyes exhibit are the tears, and if without any physical or mental pain the eyes are producing continuous tears it can be a sign of weakening eyes.
When the eyes aren’t able to take on the strain, they tear themselves to refrain from drying under the strain and in most cases this strain is because of the worsening eye vision.
Eye injury or eye surgery complications
When you recently experienced eye surgery and you feel constant eye pain and redness, it might be a sign of post-surgery complications.
It is best to check with your eye doctor especially if the issue lasts for more than 15 to 20 minutes.
These could be warning signs of a more complicated eye problem.
Growing old
Growing old causes a lot of changes to our health and to our body. In case of our eyes, aging is one of the many factors of deteriorating vision.
As people aged, the eyes also weakens its ability to focus. This is the reason why older people find it hard to see far objects.
In order for them to see objects close up, their eyes need to contract and the lens need to thicken.
As a result, corrective lenses or glasses are highly recommended at this age.
Aside from that, the vision also changes due to eye growth which are more apparent if you are wearing eyeglasses already.
Because of this, there is a need to update prescription eyeglasses.
These days, prevention is still better than cure. The best way to avoid serious eye conditions is early detection and early treatment.
Any signal from your body that something is wrong shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Make an appointment with your eye doctor as soon as possible when you notice the mentioned signs your vision is getting worse.
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