22nd, September 2019 | Oh Jinna
What Psychology Reveals About Your Eye Color

You may have heard the saying “The eyes are the windows to a person’s soul.” or something similar to that. As cliche as it may sound, your eyes may very well be a window to your inner personality. More specifically, your eye color can reveal a side of you that you might not be aware of.
Recent studies in psychology suggest that the colors of your eyes might reveal a glimpse of your inner personality.
A survey that was carried out by CyberPulse, a division of Impulse Research Corporation and Commissioned by CIBA Vision, showed that people really do find a connection between a person’s eye color and their personality.
What is your eye color?
The iris is the part of your eyes that give you that distinct eye color. Whether it’s for better or for worse, your eye color may define who you are. I’m sure that you’re aware that not everyone’s eye color is the same.
But are you aware of the other eye colors and the personality traits that they are matched with?
Yes, your eye color may reveal your intellect or personality, and they may be telling the world a little bit about your inner self.
Eye colors and personality traits that they are associated with
I’m sure you are already wondering what your eye color says about you. Whether it be good or bad, you’ll be surprised when you find out the traits that are connected to the different eye colors.
Brown Eyes

If your eye color is brown, you are more likely to be active and outgoing. You are person who is dedicated to your craft, you are serious, and also very practical. You are self sufficient so you make sure that you are capable on your own.
But you are also also very committed to your relationships and obligations in life. You are attractive and cheerful when it comes to the people who are close to you. You might also be a very good kisser.
Blue Eyes

If your eyes are blue, you are a noble and devoted individual. You are appreciated by most of the people around you because of your sincerity as a person.
Your positive sentiments towards life and relationships help you connect peacefully with your peers.
You are very independent but you do not enjoy a life that is filled with routine. You are mostly calm and collected. But can also be very moody in certain occasions.
You find it difficult to forgive others which contrasts your bright and happy demeanor.
Hazel Eyes

If you have hazel eyes, you could very well be a creative and imaginative individual. You often seek new experiences and adventures. These traits are further fueled by your superb endurance. You want to travel to wherever the wind takes you.
You have intelligent and calculated thoughts but you are also a risk taker. This trait helps you succeed in your career and personal endeavors.
You have a special kind of bravery that pushes you more during the challenging times of your life.
You are strong, responsible, and conscious of your weaknesses, however you can also tend to be a little bit self occupied.
So don’t worry too much about yourself and enjoy your hazel eyes.
Green Eyes

If the color of your eyes is green, you are perceived by most people as a mysterious and independent person.
You have good control over your emotions but can also be quite unpredictable. This perfect mix of calm and curious keeps you balanced.
You strive in your originality, creativity, and intellect. Which are the qualities that help you most in your personal goals.
You are the type of person who can focus on conversations and topics despite being in a stressful situation.
Your freedom is something that keeps you happy, but you can also work very well under extreme pressure.
You are a happy and sensual person who is passionate about long term relationships with people. So keep sharing the great personality of your green eyes.
Violet Eyes

If you have violet eyes, you are a person who is full of creativity. You enjoy imagining things and often get stuck in your head daydreaming.
You are a perfectionist when it comes to your creative thoughts and aspirations.
This means that you have high standards which can be good or bad depending on the situation.
Your greatest assets are your abundant self esteem and your undeniable charisma. So go out there an flaunt those beautiful violet eyes!
Grey Eyes
If your eyes are grey, you are most definitely a conformist. You find peace and acceptance in established practices and norms. And you are a discreet person who prefers to be quiet and patient. You do not enjoy standing out or having too much attention.
You are well calculated in your career decisions and are open to growth and opportunities in life. However, you can also be quite deceptive when needed. You have a firm stand in what you believe in and can often be very stubborn to changes.
Your need for affection can drastically vary depending on your mood. This may cause some problems with people, but your straight forward style can always keep things in order.
Black Eyes

If your eye color is black, then you are lively and full of character. You are a person who has an intense personality that is mostly good, but can sometimes lead to you being very hot-tempered. Most of the time, you are very impulsive and you always itch for danger-filled adventures.
You demand respect but it is only because you work hard for it. You can sometimes be pretentious, but your dignity overshadows any of your unpleasant qualities.
People often you as a mysterious individual who hides a lot of important secrets. You may have dark eyes but you can live a pretty colorful life.
Do you want a different eye color?
Maybe your eye color doesn’t completely match your personality? Or maybe you just want a new set of colorful eyes? You don’t have to worry because you can always get a pair of colorfulcontact lenses that can give you eye color that you want.
Whether it’s for fashion or for eyesight, contact lenses are very common nowadays. But if it’s your first time buying contact lenses, just be sure that you get a pair of good quality contact lenses.
Do you have an unusual eye color?
Nowadays, you can just pick a set of contact lenses to change the color of your eyes. And the fact that different types of eye colors exist is not exactly new news. But do you know that someeye colors may indicate certain health risks that you might not be aware of.
If you feel like you have a unique eye color along with some eye issues, it would be advisable if you have your eyes checked.
Always be sure to take good care of your eyes, regardless of their color. Whether the color of your eyes are rare or common, everyone’s eyes are always prone to damage. So you should always take good care of them, and have your eyes checked regularly.
The health of our eyes is a crucial factor to living a healthy and a full life. That means that you should visit an eye doctor from time to time and have yourself an eye examination.
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