Cosplay caracon degree Yes ringing ring – T04 Naruto character White’s recommendation point
In the case of [with degree], it will be made to order.
After confirming completion of settlement, we will arrange for ordering.
As this product takes about 5 days to 10 days to ship and ship,
please order with plenty of time such as checking the schedule.
[Use period] 3 months
(There are differences depending on the way of care and handling method.)
* Attention !! Display price is the price of one sheet.
This item is pack packaging. You can purchase from 1 sheet.
This lens is limited to -10.00.
This product takes 5 to 10 days to complete shipping.
After payment is confirmed, please order with a margin of the period as a guideline based on the delivery completion after the usual delivery period + 5 days to 10 days.
Itachi T04 Naruto Contact Lenses for Cosplay
Registering at brings along many advantages:
– If you just become a member, get 2 points on sight.
– You will get 2~5% discount on your every order according to your membership grade
– You can order customized lenses right in your prescription.
* 1 point = USD 1.00
*Note (Applicable for Contact Lens Product ONLY)
All contact lenses which distribute are authorized by KFDA(Korea Food and Drug Administration), however, all products must be used and treated properly, or otherwise may cause damage to your eyes. In order to use color contact lenses safely and comfortably, please receive an optical check up at your ophthalmologist before use, and follow all given instructions.
*Note (Applicable for Contact Lens Product ONLY)
Toric lenses are strictly order made to your prescription, and takes about three weeks to manufacturer. When you order toric lenses, please make sure you have read this notification and understood the terms and conditions.
*Note (Applicable for Contact Lens Product ONLY)
Because all the Toric lenses are order made to your prescription, Toric prescriptions are hand written by the manufacturer on the cap. For Neo Vision toric lenses, the bottle sticker’s default is AXIS 180, but if your AXIS is not 180, it will be hand written on the cap.
8 reviews for Itachi T04 Naruto Contact Lenses for Cosplay
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
nataliesimmons27 –
Excellent shop! Fast shipping, good quality! :))
sheilansergent –
I love these! They’re super comfortable and like a good contact should be — I can easily forget I’m wearing them since I wear normal contacts on a regular basis.
deborahjjackson –
The design really pops. It covers the whole iris well and the red really shows.
edenneale –
Very good quality for disposables, and I loved the color. Perfect for my brothers naruto costume
bernard.upton –
I love these contacts! Super comfortable!
ethelyn25 –
It was a long wait but it was worth it I love the color.
enola33 –
Love this company. Very easy to correspond with and friendly. –
I like it very much. Thank you for providing such beautiful contact.