4th, March 2020 | Oh Jinna

Looking for the Best Colored Contacts?

As you may already know, contact lenses are growing more popular these days.

From fashion accessories to cosplay essentials, contact lenses are now a mainstream product that almost anyone can buy.

But what makes them so cool? And more importantly, how do you find the best colored contacts for your style?

After all, with all different colors and styles available, finding the right pair may prove to be a challenge.

But you shouldn’t worry, because we’ve got the right tips to help you pick the best colored contacts.

Functional Contact Lenses

If you don’t already know, there are different types of contact lenses that you can buy.

And colored contacts is just one of the many kinds that you can choose from.

However, you should know that contact lenses also play different roles for specific people.

In fact, more than 6 out of 10 people use contacts or glasses to help them with their vision problems.

Which means that contact lenses are primarily designed to act as a visual aid for people with refractive errors.

So if you use contact lenses to help with your eyesight, you’re using functional or corrective contact lenses.

Check out this list to find out the common types of refractive errors:

  • Myopia – which is most commonly known as nearsightedness, is a condition that prevents you from seeing distant objects clearly.
  • Hyperopia – or farsightedness, is a vision problem that makes you see nearby objects as blurry figures.
  • Astigmatism – is a condition that makes you have a very blurry eyesight. The severity can differ from person to person. However, astigmatism normally occurs when you have an irregular-shaped eye.
  • Presbyopia – is a natural type of farsightedness that everyone eventually suffers from. This is because presbyopia occurs as you get older and the lens of your eyes naturally lose their elasticity.

Even if functional or corrective lenses are designed to help with vision problems, they too can be fashionable.

In fact, people who need corrective lenses can choose to buy colored contact lenses that are both fashionable and functional.

So if you want to transition from glasses to contact lenses, know is the best time to do so.

After all, buying new lenses is more fun when you know how to pick the best colored contacts.

Finding the Best Colored Contacts

Now that you know a little more about functional or corrective lenses, it’s time to focus on the fun part.

In other words, we can now discuss more about cosmetic contact lenses that you can use for cosplay or fashion. First of all, you can’t find the best colored contacts if you don’t know the style that you want.

In fact, each type of contact lens has its own unique pros and cons. So if you want the best ones, you should know how to pick the right color and style for your eyes.

But don’t worry, because that’s exactly why we’re here. Read on and and we’ll help you find the exact color for your eyes. So you can look more fabulous than ever!

The Different Types of Colored Lenses

Aside from corrective lenses, you can also buy different types of colored contact lenses. In fact, here are a few types that you can choose from.

After all, learning about the different types will help you find the best colored contacts that you’re looking for.

Plano Color Contacts

If you don’t use corrective lenses and aren’t suffering from any vision problem, then you need plano color contacts.

Unlike corrective lenses, plano color contacts do not provide any sort of vision aid or correction.

In other words, the only use of plano lenses is for fashion and costumes. So if you have 20/20 vision buy you want a new eye color, you should buy this lens type.

However, you should never buy contact lenses without a prescription, this is applicable for both corrective and plano lenses! Additionally, plano color contacts come in different tints and shades.

Which means that you can fully customize your look by picking the best colored contacts for your eyes.

Read on and find out the type of tint or shade that you’re actually looking for.

Visibility Tint

If you don’t want your colored lenses to stand out, then maybe the visibility ting is your best option. The primary use of a visibility tint to help you see your lenses when you take them off.

After all, small transparent sheets of lenses are hard to see especially if you drop them. However, if you have a visibility tint, then you’re never going to have the problem of looking for your lenses.

This is because lenses with this type of tint normally have a mild green or blue color.

Which makes them very visible when you take them out, but also very subtle when you wear them.

So you won’t have to worry about the color of your lenses attracting too much attention.

Enhancement Tint

Compared to the visibility tint, the enhancement tint provides a darker shade of color. In addition, visibility tints are transparent.

This type of tint will help you achieve vibrant eyes without changing your naturally eye color.

In fact, as the name suggests, an enhancement tint can make your eye color darker or more pronounced. 

Opaque Tint

Now, if you want a completely new eye color, then an opaque tint is definitely what you’re looking for.

Lenses with an opaque tint are not transparent which allows the color of your lens to be very visible.

This type of tint is perfect for people who have really dark eyes that mild tints can’t cover up.

So if you’re looking for a new look, start with your eyes and get a pair of opaque tinted lenses.

Pick the Best Colored Contacts Now

Now that you know the features of each type of lens, it’s time to pick the right one for you.

After all, learning about tints and lens types can really narrow down your search for the best colored contacts. Additionally, here is a list of contact lenses that you can buy right here!

1. Pick a Color

The most common way to look for the best pair is to choose a color. What is your favorite color? Or what color matches you the most?

There are a lot of different colors and shades for you to choose from. So picking a specific color can really help you narrow down your search.

And when you have the right color and the right type of tint, you’ll definitely have the best color contacts!

2. Find the Perfect Fit

Do you know that you can search for lenses by sizes? With the availability of contact lenses you can now search by base curve and diameter.

In fact, the base curve has options from 8.2 to 8.9, while the diameter ranges from 14mm to 14.8mm.

As a result, you won’t have to worry about your lenses not fitting the right way anymore. So you can be comfortable and confident with your new eye color.

3. Search for corrective lenses

If you rely on corrective lenses, then you shouldn’t buy regular colored contacts.

But don’t worry, buying colored corrective lenses is very easy. Simply search through collections that specify what type of vision correction your lenses should provide.

You’ll find that there are specific types like astigmatism toric lenses or contacts lenses specifically for farsightedness.

Additionally, you can also buy these lenses in different tints and colors! As a result, you can buy the best colored contacts that provide the correct functionality and style.

4. Cosplay Contact Lenses

If you’re into anime and cosplaying, then you need cosplay specific contact lenses.

In fact, with cosplay lenses, you can find all sorts of cool colors and designs inspired by your favorite anime.

For example, you’ll find Sharingan contact lenses from Naruto, which are also available for corrective lenses.

So what are you waiting for? Find the contact lenses that can transform you into your favorite character!

Just make sure that you keep your eyes moist when you are cosplaying with your contacts.

5. Doll Eye Lenses

If you want a really unique look, you could opt for 3 tone doll eye lenses. This type of lens has 3 types of color shades in one contact lens.

Which means that the mixture of 3 colors creates a special look in your eyes.

And don’t worry because 3 tone lenses still offer a natural finish. Additionally, the doll eye lenses can make your eyes look bigger and more attractive.

Check out our tri-color doll eye lenses and maybe they could be the best colored contacts for you.

7. Lenses for Your Hair Color

Finally, this tip will help you decide on a color if our variety of lenses are hard to choose from.

So if you haven’t decided on a color or lens type, you could try one that matches your hair.

Yes, matching your eye color with your hair color can be a subtle way to enhance your look.

However, it can also be an easy way to match your style if you like to change hair colors.

Imagine having matching pink eyes with your pink hair color. Sounds fun, right? So what are you waiting for?

Check out our lenses and find the best color and style to fit your taste.


More than 6 in 10 people wear glasses or contact lenses


Halloween Hazard: Never Buy Decorative Contact Lenses Without a Prescription






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