20th, January 2020 | Oh Jinna

Cosplay Contact Lens Tips for Enthusiasts

The cosplay wave is getting bigger and bigger each year as it takes its name around the world. Enthusiasts from different countries gather together to share experiences and tips on cosplaying.

As there are a lot of newbies in the world of cosplaying, it is important to know what are the necessary steps to take in preparing for an event.

This blog will give you some important tips in using cosplay contacts for enthusiasts.

Trends are changing from time to time and this is also true when it comes to cosplay.

As people want to be more extra when cosplaying, they are going the extra mile in order to look exactly like the character they that they want to portray.

This means going as much as creating their own costumes, investing in high quality make ups, and even hiring professionals to dress them up. 

There are a lot of things that you have to prepare when cosplaying. The dress, costume, hairstyle, and props.

All of these are very important when it comes to preparation but one thing that most newbies forget to pay attention to is the contact lens that they are going to use. 

Contact lens in cosplaying may sound like a simple matter compared to other things but having the perfect set of contacts can actually bring a lot of changes in your looks.

The color it brings to your eyes changes the way you interact and look at the audience around you. 

There are others who does not consider the importance of cosplay contacts when dressing up mainly because for them, the props and the costume is the main thing.

However, it will not be a full package without having your eyes attract the audience. It is always safe to be at your best rather than regret for not going the extra mile while cosplaying. 

To give the newbies and even those who are already cosplaying an advantage to their next event, here are some of the tips that they can take note to look their best.

Visit your Doctor for a Check Up

Cosplay contacts are not the same as the usual contact lenses that people use. It may be only used for a day or so, but without a proper prescription from your doctor, it may cause you more harm than benefit.

Since not all of the cosplayers usually wear contacts or protective sunglasses on a regular basis, it might be difficult for them to know which one is the best for their eyes.

It is always best to know the safest option before trying to use it so that there will be no complications.

After a consultation, you may ask for a prescription from your doctor so you can just simply show it to the store owner where you plan to buy your contact lenses. 

Find the character you want to cosplay

After consulting your doctor if it is safe for you to wear cosplay contact lenses, you can now start searching for the character that you want to look like.

This is one of the most basic things you need to do in order to fully prepare and carefully choose the contact lenses that is right for you.

From simple to complicated looks, everything can be achieved with enough and thorough preparations.

Being able to achieve the closest look from the character that you are trying to portray is one of the most fulfilling events as a cosplayer.

Do not trust online sellers

As contact lenses are regulated by the FDA, it is somehow risky to buy from online sellers as you cannot assure its safety.

There will be a higher chance of causing infection if you did not check the lenses yourself. Only buy lenses that are FDA-approved to make sure it is safe to use.

Also, make sure to buy from legit sellers to avoid complications and problems. 

Try the contacts days before the event

Buy the contact lenses ahead of time. If you are thinking of buying contact lenses just days before your event, think twice.

For first timers, it will be very difficult for your eyes to adjust to the contact lenses. Since you are not used to it, using it before hand will be the best practice.

Sometimes, it may be more of a hassle when putting on a contact lens. It may slide off your eyes and drop on the floor.

Another possibility is that you may not place it properly and get stuck in your eyes. If you are having difficulties in putting it, just let someone do it for you. 

Never ever sleep with contact lenses

You should not wear contact lenses when sleeping. What more for cosplay contact lenses. It can definitely cause serious health problems and complications if you fail to remove it before sleeping.

Contact lenses need to be lubricated from time to time and you cannot do it while you sleep. It may result for contact lenses to dry out. The drying out causes a lot of complications in your eyes.

It may even cause blindness if not treated right away. You should remove your contact lenses before going to bed.

Know when to remove your contact lenses

Cosplay contact lenses are only used for a certain event. It is not advisable to use it daily as it can irritate your eyes in the long run.

You also have to take note of one important thing. When you are going to an event, make sure to follow this advice.

If you you need to go underwater while wearing your contact lenses, make sure to close your eyes.

It is necessary to avoid complications. As cosplay contacts are placed in your eyes, a small irregularities may cause serious harm to your health.

Avoid germ buildup

For starters in cosplay, there are important things to remember. One of the most important things that you should remember is to never let anyone borrow your cosplay contacts.

This may lead to an increased buildup of germs and the cause of infection and may harm you deeply. Also, always look out for the expiration date of your contact lenses.

Throw them when they are past the expiration date even when you paid a lot for it. Keeping your eyes safe than making most of your money is most important above anything else.

Lastly, always remember to change your cosplay contacts case regularly.  You can do it on a monthly basis so that your contacts will stay clean before using it. 

Now, you are already aware of some of the do’s and don’ts in using cosplay contact lenses.

You can now confidently walk the red carpet with your best looks. Remember that it always takes a lot of preparation to do good in something you love.

Invest in a safety and artsy way of cosplaying without sacrificing your health.

Go walk the red carpet with full confidence and don’t forget to attract the audience with just one look. 

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