12th, May 2019 | Oh Jinna
Four Questions Answered About Computer Vision Syndrome

Most adults spend more time staring at digital screens more often than they realize. In fact, based on a study, Americans devote an average of seven hours a day on the computer either in the office or at home.
In modern times, we often rely on our digital devices to get work done and to let pass time.
And let’s admit it, they make our lives easier, and the whole lot of things you can do on your devices just makes it addicting.
On the negative side, being on our devices for too long can take a toll on our health, especially in our eyes. It can very much be the number one reason for eye strains.
Eye problems that result from staring at the screen excessively fall under the condition called Computer Vision Syndrome. Most people don’t realize that they have it until the condition gets worse and treatment becomes even harder.
So what exactly is Computer Vision Syndrome?
Computer Vision Syndrome, also known as Digital Eye Strains, is a classification of vision problems that arise from prolonged use of digital devices.
A lot of people experience discomforts and vision problems when viewing digital screens for extended periods. In that case, the longer you use your digital devices, the higher the chances of having such discomfort.
If you are experiencing discomfort from using your digital devices, it’s best if you check with your eye doctor for proper diagnosis. In the meantime, read through to know more about this condition.
Here are four of the most common questions related to Computer Vision Syndrome that most people ask:
What are the symptoms of having Computer Vision Syndrome?
If you are on your screens a lot more often, you may notice the following symptoms:
Blurred vision – As from the name itself, it refers to the inability to see clear details and the loss of sharpness of eyesight. You can correct this condition with lenses that your eye doctor prescribes.
Double vision – Double vision, or diplopia, is a sign of nerve or muscle damage in the eye. It is when you see double when there should only be one. This condition can also affect your movement, balance, and ability to read.
Dry and red eyes – Dry eyes is the lack of sufficient lubrication in your eyes. Exposure to computer screens for a long period of time can affect your eyes’ ability to produce tears. As a result, the eyes may appear red, watery, and irritated.
Read more about dry eyes here: Causes Of Dry Eyes And Ways To Get Rid Of It
Headaches – Research has shown that staring at your digital screens causes a higher risk of headache compared to reading at printed text.
The blue light and the glares that the screen emit can cause a strain in your eyes.
A headache right around your eyes may or may not mean that you are experiencing eye strains. Among other things, it can also be related to migraines.
To figure out if digital screens are causing your headache, track the timing of your headache.
If it usually occurs more often on days when you spend lots of time in front of the screen, there is a chance that you are experiencing an eye strain.
How harmful is blue light to the eyes?
Our main source of blue light is sunlight, and we usually expose ourselves to it when we are outdoors during daylight.
Thus, blue light is not as harmful as you think it is. But there are also many man-made and indoor sources of blue light.
Most notably, computers and phones emit significant amounts of blue light. Even though the amount of light these devices emit is not much compared to sunlight, it can still cause problems.
The amount of time people spend in front of screens create a growing concern from eye doctors. The proximity of these screens to the user’s face can have long-term effects to your eyes.
Your eyes are good at blocking visible lights. However, blue light can still penetrate to the retina.
Studies show that blue light damages the cells in the retina of eyes that are too exposed to blue light.
You can wear specially prescribed contact lenses and eyeglasses to protect your eyes from the harmful blue light rays.
What are the computer ergonomics to avoid eye strains?
To avoid eye strains at work, follow these tips from the American Academy of Ophthalmology:
Stay at arm’s length
The closer you are to your screen, the harder it is for your eyes to adjust. If you are using a desktop computer, place the monitor at least an arm’s length away from your eyes.
Additionally, you may want to adjust the text to the size and contrast that is comfortable enough to read.
Take care of glare
You can use a matte filter for your screens to avoid the strong glare that can aggravate the eyes.
To reduce computer glare, adjust the brightness and contrast of your monitor.
Similarly, you can dim the lights in your working area. Bright fluorescent and tungsten lights can cause sharp glare.
Give your eyes a break
Eye strain can occur after a long period in front of digital screens. It is essential to give your eyes a break from the intense computer gaze.
Studies show that people who work on computers blink less than the normal.
In that case, it is necessary to blink more often to decrease your chances of getting eye strains.
Follow the 20-20-20 rule
Take a break every 20 minutes and look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Giving yourself a break reduces the likelihood of having eye fatigue.
A lot of people are already practicing this rule to increase alertness and productivity at work.
Defy dry eye
A lot of workspace have humidity-controlled environments that result to less moisture in the air.
You can get a handy desktop humidifier to add localized moisture in the area. Keep eyedrops at hand to help lubricate your eyes as well.
Lighten up
Your eyes work extra harder when your monitor is brighter than your surroundings.
Adjust the lighting in your surroundings to minimize lighting-related eye strains.
How can I properly care for my eyes if I have Computer Vision Syndrome?
Get a comprehensive eye exam. Your eye doctor is the best person to consult when it comes to treating Computer Vision Syndrome.
An eye exam is one of the most important thing you can do to prevent the worsening of vision-related problems.
During the exam, inform your doctor of your computer habits so he or she can have a better idea on ways to treat or prevent eye strains.
What is the best contact lens to use for long periods of computer use?
Using the computer for a long period of time can make your eyes extremely dry and irritated. This is because people blink a lot less often while looking at the screen.
If you have dry eyes, it is best to use contact lenses that are made out of silicone hydrogel.
This material is less likely to cause dry eyes. You can also wear this lens type for an extended period.
However, it is still necessary to talk to your eye doctor to find out if you are suitable to wear this in long periods of time.
Take Good Care of Your Eyes
Our sense of sight is one of the few things we usually take for granted. Treat your eyes as if they are precious gems you are gifted with.
Make sure you care for your eyes as much as you can.
And we can’t stress this enough, pay your eye doctor a visit every year to maintain a good eye health and detect possible problems.
What Is Computer Vision Syndrome? https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/computer-vision-syndrome#1
Why am I seeing double? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/170634.php
Ergonomics for the Eyes: Simple Adjustments to Your Office Environment Can Help Reduce Visual Fatigue https://www.aao.org/newsroom/news-releases/detail/ergonomics-eyes-tips-avoid-computer-eye-strai
The 20-20-20- Rule https://opto.ca/health-library/the-20-20-20-rule
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